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A Framework for the Verification of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems

  title = {{A Framework for the Verification of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems}},
  author = {{Paolo} {Baldan} and {Andrea} {Corradini} and {Barbara} {Koenig}},
  journal = {Information and Computation},
  pages = {869-907},
  abstract = {We propose a technique for the analysis of infinite-state graph transformation systems, based on the construction of finite structures approximating their behaviour. Following a classical approach, one can construct a chain of finite under-approximations (k-truncations) of the Winskel style unfolding of a graph grammar. More interestingly, also a chain of finite over-approximations (k-coverings) of the unfolding can be constructed. The fact that k-truncations and k-coverings approximate the unfolding with arbitrary accuracy is formalised by showing that both chains converge (in a categorical sense) to the full unfolding. We discuss how the finite over- and under-approximations can be used to check properties of systems modelled by graph transformation systems, illustrating this with some small examples. We also describe the Augur tool, which provides a partial implementation of the proposed constructions, and has been used for the verification of larger case studies},
  volume = {206},
  year = {2008},
  status = {private},
  task = {T7.1},


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