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Generation of Visual Editors as Eclipse Plug-Ins

  title = {{Generation of Visual Editors as Eclipse Plug-Ins}},
  author = {{Karsten} {Ehrig} and {Claudia} {Ermel} and {Stephan} {H\"ansgen} and {Gabriele} {Taentzer}},
  booktitle = {Proc. 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering},
  abstract = {Visual Languages (VLs) play an important role in software system development. Especially when looking at well-defined domains, a broad variety of domain specific visual languages are used for the development of new applications. These languages are typically developed specifically for a certain domain in a way that domain concepts occur as primitives in the language alphabet. Visual modeling environments are needed to support rapid development of domain-specific solutions. In this contribution we present a general approach for defining visual languages and for generating language-specific tool environments. The visual language definition is again given in a visual manner and precise enough to completely generate the visual environment. The underlying technology is Eclipse with its plug-in capabilities on the one hand, and formal graph transformation techniques on the other hand. More precisely, we present an Eclipse plug-in generating Java code for visual modeling plug-ins which can be directly executed in the Eclipse Runtime-Workbench.},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  year = {2005},
  url = {},
  address = {California, IEEE Computer Society, Long Beach, USA},
  keywords = {Eclipse, editor generation, graph transformation, visual editor},
  main = {Y},
  partner = {ULEICES},
  status = {public},
  task = {T7.1},


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2005 - 2010