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An Algorithm for the Appraisal of Assurance Indicators for Complex Business Processes

  title = {{An Algorithm for the Appraisal of Assurance Indicators for Complex Business Processes}},
  author = {{Fabio} {Massacci} and {Artsiom} {Yautsiukhin}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Workshop on Quality of Protection (QoP 2007). October 29th, 2007. Alexandria (USA)},
  pages = {22--27},
  abstract = {In order to provide certified security services we must provide indicators that can measure the level of assurance that a complex business process can offer. Unfortunately the formulation of security indicators is not amenable to efficient algorithms able to evaluate the level of assurance of complex process from its components.In this paper we show an algorithm based on FD-Graphs (a variant of directed hypergraphs) that can be used to compute in polynomial time (i) the overall assurance indicator of a complex business process from its components for arbitrary monotone composition functions, (ii) the subpart of the business process that is responsible for such assurance indicator (i.e. the best security alternative).},
  publisher = {ACM},
  year = {2007},
  url = {},
  address = {New York, USA},
  keywords = {business process, quality of service, security},
  partner = {UNITN},
  task = {T4.4},


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