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A Secure Simplification of the PKMv2 Protocol in IEEE 802.16e-2005

  title = {{A Secure Simplification of the PKMv2 Protocol in IEEE 802.16e-2005}},
  author = {{Ender} {Y\"uksel} and {Hanne Riis} {Nielson} and {Christoffer Rosenkilde} {Nielsen} and {Mehmet B\"ulent} {\"Orencik}},
  journal = {FCS-ARSPA'07},
  note = {Informal Proceedings},
  abstract = {Static analysis is successfully used for automatically validating security properties of classical cryptographic protocols. In this paper, we shall employ the same technique to a modern security protocol for wireless networks, namely the latest version of the Privacy and Key Management protocol for IEEE 802.16e, PKMv2. This protocol seems to have an exaggerated mixture of security features. Thus, we iteratively investigate which components are necessary for upholding the security properties and which can be omitted safely. This approach is based on the LySa process calculus and employs the corresponding automated analysis tool, the LySaTool.},
  url = {},
  address = {Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University},
  institution = {Technical University of Denmark},
  keywords = {LySa, process calculi, verification, Wireless Protocols},
  task = {T3.1},


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