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SENSORIA Automotive Scenario: Illustrating Service Specification

  title = {{SENSORIA Automotive Scenario: Illustrating Service Specification}},
  author = {{Dominik} {Berndl} and {Nora} {Koch}},
  pages = {26},
  abstract = {The document reports the use of scenarios of the automotive case study in the specification of services. Scenarios are used to illustrate different specification techniques developed or adapted in the SENSORIA project for the engineering of service-oriented systems. This is a DRAFT version of the report which goal is to provide a detail specification of a selected set of scenarios of the automotive case study. The current draft version focus on the UML specification of the scenarios. It will be successively improved with other specifications, such as those based on SRML and CoWS. Analysis techniques applied to these scenarios will be included as well. The selected are the on road car repair and accident scenarios as they resulted in the more interesting scenarios from the orchestration and analysis point of view. },
  publisher = {FAST-Technical Report},
  number = {2},
  year = {2007},
  institution = {FAST GmbH},
  partner = {FAST},
  status = {public},
  task = {T8.2},


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2005 - 2010