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Transactional Service Level Agreements

  title = {{Transactional Service Level Agreements}},
  author = {{Maria Grazia} {Buscemi} and {Hern\'an} {Melgratti}},
  booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC'07)},
  pages = {124--139},
  abstract = {Several models based on process calculi have addressed the definition of linguistic primitives for handling Long Running Transactions (LRT) and Service Level Agreement (SLA) in service oriented applications. Nevertheless, the approaches appeared in the literature deal with these aspects as independent features. We claim that transactional mechanisms are relevant for programming multi-step SLA negotiations and, hence, it is worth investigating the interplay among such formal approaches. In this paper we propose a process calculus, the committed cc-pi calculus, that combines two proposals: (i) cc-pi calculus accounting for SLA negotiation and (ii) cjoin as a model of LRT. We provide both a small- and a big-step operational semantics of committed cc-pi as labelled transition systems, and we prove a correspondence result.},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {4912},
  year = {2008},
  url = {},
  partner = {PISA},
  school = {Pisa},
  status = {public},
  task = {T5.1, T5.2},


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