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Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers

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Universitá di Firenze Print

Universitá di Firenze is one of the largest and well recognized Italian universities. The Concurrency and Mobility research group has worked for a long time on the design and analysis of concurrent, distributed systems. An important outcome of this work is KLAIM, a language for programming mobile interactive systems providing linguistic support for describing mobile systems, while guaranteeing security, and a semantic framework that permits verification of program properties.

The group is also well known for the work on behavioural equivalences, modal logic, process calculi, and methods and theories concerning asynchrony and cryptography aspects of mobile systems.

Main contributions of the University of Firenze to SENSORIA are in the areas of concurrent, distributed and mobile programming, logics for distribution and mobility, foundations of service-oriented computing and security.


The Sensoria Project Website
2005 - 2010