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Non-sequential behaviour of dynamic nets

  title = {{Non-sequential behaviour of dynamic nets}},
  author = {{Roberto} {Bruni} and {Hern\'an} {Melgratti}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ATPN 2006, 27th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models Of Councurrency},
  editor = {S. Donatelli and  P.S. Thiagarajan},
  pages = {105--124},
  abstract = {Dynamic nets are an extension of Petri nets where the net topology may change dynamically. This is achieved by allowing (i) tokens to be coloured with place names (carried on as data), (ii) transitions to designate places where to spawn new tokens on the basis of the colours in the fetched tokens, and (iii) firings to add fresh places and transitions to the net. Dynamic nets have been given step or interleaving semantics but, to the best of our knowledge, their non-sequential truly concurrent semantics has not been addressed in the literature. To fill this gap, we extend the ordinary notions of processes and unfolding to dynamic nets, providing two different constructions: (i) a specific process and unfolding for a particular initial marking, and (ii) processes and unfolding patterns that abstract away from the colours of the token initially available.},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {4024},
  year = {2006},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1007/11767589_7},
  isbn = {3-540-34699-6},
  partner = {PISA},
  status = {public},
  task = {T3.3, T7.1},


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