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A calculus for team automata

  title = {{A calculus for team automata}},
  author = {{Maurice H. ter} {Beek} and {Fabio} {Gadducci} and {Dirk} {Janssens}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SBMF 2006, 9th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods},
  editor = {Leila Ribeiro and  Ana Martins Moreira},
  pages = {41-55},
  abstract = {Team automata are a formalism for the component-based specification of reactive, distributed systems. Their main feature is a flexible technique for specifying coordination patterns among systems, thus extending I/O automata. Furthermore, for some patterns the language recognized by a team automaton can be specified via those languages recognized by its components. We introduce a process calculus tailored over team automata. Each automaton is described by a process, such that its associated (fragment of a) labeled transition system is bisimilar to the original automaton. The mapping is moreover denotational, since the operators defined on processes are in a bijective correspondence with a chosen family of coordination patterns and that correspondence is preserved by the mapping. We thus extend to team automata a few classical results on I/O automata and their representation by process calculi. Moreover, besides providing a language for expressing team automata, we widen the family of coordination patterns for which an equational characterization of the language associated to a composite automaton can be provided. The latter result is obtained by providing a set of axioms, in ACP-style, for capturing bisimilarity in our calculus.},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume = {195},
  year = {2008},
  url = {},
  keywords = {process algebra, team automata},
  partner = {ISTI, PISA},
  school = {University of Pisa},
  status = {public},
  task = {T3.1},


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