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Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
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Sensoria Bibliography Site Symmetries, Local Names and Dynamic (De)-allocation of Names
Vincenzo Ciancia, Ugo Montanari

The semantics of \emph{name-passing} calculi is often defined employing
coalgebraic models over presheaf categories. This elegant theory lacks
finiteness properties, hence it is not apt to implementation. Coalgebras
over named sets, called \emph{history-dependent automata}, are better
suited for the purpose due to locality of names. A theory of behavioural
functors for named sets is still lacking: the semantics of each language
has been given in an \emph{ad-hoc} way, and algorithms were implemented
only for the $\pi$-calculus. Existence of the final coalgebra for
the $\pi$-calculus was never proved. We introduce a language of \emph{accessible} functors to specify history-dependent automata in a modular way,
leading to a clean formulation and a generalisation of previous results,
and to the proof of existence of a final coalgebra in a wide range
of cases.

The Sensoria Project Website
2005 - 2010