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  author    = {G{\\'a}bor Bergmann and
               Andr{\\'a}s {\\"O}kr{\\"o}s and
               Istv{\\'a}n R{\\'a}th and
               D{\\'a}niel Varr{\\'o} and
               Gergely Varr{\\'o}},
  title = {Incremental pattern matching in the VIATRA model transformation system},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey = {},
  booktitle = {Proc. Graph and Model Transformations (GRAMOT 2008)},
  OPTpages = {},
  year = {2008},
  editor = {Gabor Karsai and Gabriele Taentzer},
  location = {Leipzig, Germany, May 12, 2008},
  OPTvolume = {},
  OPTnumber = {},
  OPTseries = {},
  OPTaddress = {},
  OPTmonth = {},
  OPTorganization = {},
  publisher = {ACM},
  keywords = {domain-specific languages, incremental graph pattern matching, incremental
model transformation},
  note = {To Appear},
  url =  {},
  abstract = {Incremental pattern matching is a key challenge for many tool integration,
model synchronization and (discrete-event) model simulation
tasks. An incremental pattern matching engine explicitly stores
existing matches, while these matches are maintained incrementally
with respect to the changes of the underlying model. In the
current paper, we present an adaptation of RETE networks [6] in order
to provide incremental support for the transformation language
of the VIATRA2 framework. We evaluate the performance of the
incremental engine on a benchmark problem assessing the speedup
of incremental processing in the case of as-long-as-possible type
of rule applications.}


  • Carlos Matos
  • Georgios Koutsoukos
  • Rui Correia

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